Real Protection, Inc.

Call for a Free Quote
(510) 909.3459




Real Protection, Inc. has built its reputation on existing business relationships, advanced technology, years of industry experience, and a total commitment to customer service.

Our system professionals focus on identifying solutions tailored to the unique requirements of each individual customer. We evaluate each system, consolidate each task, and provide solutions that meet the needs of every system.

Whether you are looking for design-build or per-specification, Real Protection, Inc. is your system provider for Fire Alarm/Life Safety.



Real Protection, Inc. employs trained and qualified staff to deliver the highest quality engineering plans.

Our designers are supplied with state-of-the-art equipment for drafting, design and production of all projects. And we deliver on time.

Our team has established relationships with local authorities secured by years of commitment, integrity, and trust.


Code Compliance Consulting

We provide this service to ensure that your system is in compliance with current code requirements and is functioning as required by the original design criteria.

This consultation is provided to new and existing customers; the initial visit is free of charge.


fire system design

smoke detector installation

fire system engineering

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